Your Guide to Understanding Antibiotic Infusion Therapy

Antibiotics have been a valuable innovation in modern medicine, where they helped medical professionals cure many bacterial infections. They can also prevent complications and minimise healthcare costs.


However, like other things, these antimicrobial drugs have their fair share of drawbacks. Besides the unpleasant side effects, overuse of antibiotics can also lead to antibiotic resistance, reducing their effectiveness. This concerning trend eventually led to the rise of antibiotic infusion therapy.


This article will discuss the history of antibiotics and the resistance against this drug. We’ll also discuss what antibiotic infusion therapy is and how it works.


Antibiotics vs Antibodies: What’s the Difference?


Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, while experts use antibodies to help your body recognise and fight off viruses like COVID-19.


A Short History of Antibiotics 


Antibiotics have been around for over a hundred years, and their history began with the discovery of Salvarsan in 1910. However, British scientist Alexander Fleming’s discovery of Penicillin in 1928 revolutionised the medical industry and started the ‘Golden Age’ of antibiotics.


Experts almost discovered Penicillin by chance, and it soon earned the nickname ‘the wonder drug’ because of its success in healing World War II troops. Since then, medical professionals have developed more antibiotics and prescribed them for treating various illnesses and infections.


The Rise of the Antibiotic Resistance


While introducing antibiotics was a landmark in medical history, the emergence of antibiotic resistance eventually cut the joy short. This phenomenon first appeared after the discovery of penicillin and has since grown to involve many bacteria and medicines.


This issue increases the difficulty in treating certain diseases, usually needing multiple antibiotics. It has also made physicians more cautious in prescribing antibiotics, where they’ll only recommend them when necessary to combat antibiotic resistance.


Should You Combine Multiple Antibiotics?


Doctors may combine different types of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections and increase the chances of successfully treating them because some bacteria have become resistant to certain medications. They will also use intravenous (IV) antibiotics for infections resistant to oral antibiotics or for diseases that require a hefty dose of drugs that patients can’t take orally.


What Is Antibiotic Infusion Therapy?


Antibiotic infusion therapy can treat severe infections without staying in the hospital. Instead, a medical professional will give the patient antibiotics directly into their veins so the medication can enter their bloodstream quickly.


They use this home medical service for infections requiring higher antibiotic concentrations, conditions in areas that are difficult to reach with oral medications, and diseases that are resistant to oral antibiotics.


What Bacterial Infections Can It Treat?


Medical professionals commonly use intravenous antibiotics to treat bacterial infections in the lungs, heart, bones, soft tissue, and brain.


What Are the Types of IV Antibiotics?


Some common antibiotics include Carbapenems, Cephalosporins, Fluoroquinolones, Glycopeptides, Penicillins, Nitroimidazoles, and Oxazolidinone.


What Infectious Diseases Can IV Antibiotics Treat?


Intravenous antibiotics can treat respiratory, skin, heart valve, fungal, gastrointestinal, wound, post-operative, sinus, and urinary tract infections. It can also help cure Lyme Disease and meningitis.


How Do Patients Receive IV Antibiotic Treatment?


While medical professionals usually perform IV antibiotic treatment in a medical facility, it can also be a home medical service. There are also circumstances where they can administer antibiotics through a catheter or IV line.


Your healthcare provider will insert the tube into a vein with a needle and remove it once it’s in place. They’ll then secure the IV line with a dressing, and the type of line used depends on the patient’s veins and how long they’ll need the antibiotics.


The Bottom Line 


Bacterial infections can cause significant physical and mental distress, especially if oral medications don’t work. You can recover quicker by considering home medical services like antibiotic infusion therapy.

If you need professional home medical services in Singapore, contact Vickycares. Our expert specialists offer medical and nursing care at your doorstep to help you save time and money on commuting. Schedule your medical teleconsultation now!


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